
This is Sabbath
A husband and wife who enjoy the loving and intimate relationship that YAHUAH intended when He put the first pair in the Garden of Eden, know of a level of communion that can only be understood experientially. Above that of highest of physical exchange in an enduring, romantic relationship is this level of communion. All of the experiences in their lives, especially on reflection, do not carry the sheer holiness of this stratum. This degree of communion experienced in the purity of perfect love is very sacred. It is, in a word, Holy.
There is a lot said about the word “Holy” however the very word holy is in direct relation to Whole. When we keep the Sabbaths, we become more whole or more in tune with YAHUAH. YAHUAH says, “Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.” To be holy is to be set apart from that which is common or that which we do on a daily bases.
The Hebrew word for “holy” is spelled qoph, daleth, shin (q-d-sh), often pronounced kah-dosh. Much is said about what that word means. One sweeping implication of the word “Holy” is set-apart, sanctify. What is holy is set apart from all other things which tend to be profane or in some way detract from the utterly unique position of that which is holy. YAHUAH, is Holy. He is set apart from all that profanes, all that is corrupt, all that contains sin and its curse. He is high and lifted up. He is unique to Himself. He indeed is Holy.
The Creator, YAHUAH, made the wife of the marriage union to be the more relationship oriented of the pair. In His infinite wisdom, the Master of all that exists made the male to be the conqueror, the warrior/defender, provider, the one who aggressively seeks to be the victor over all that is his to subdue. And to the woman he gave a passion for relationship. Somehow, she is the one gifted to place pomegranates of the Ruach between the clattering members of her household.
In most enduring marriages, it is the so called “weaker sex” that brings to her spouse the understanding he needs to ascend to the level of sacred commune between Husband and wife that supersedes, in its properly placed context, everything else the couple will ever know. In far too many unions, the couple becomes so busy with the affairs of life and the pursuit of pleasures that they overlook the need to take the time to mount what should be most endearing and securing planes of their existence.
The couple, in proper romance, will enjoy all of their time together. Whether they be driving down the highway, strolling through the mall, dining, or any other activity; they joy, in the time spent together. Those are the things that fill the photo albums of their memories. However, There is the need to set apart from all those wonderful activities, moments of quiet ecstasy. Usually, the wife has to bring to her husband the understanding of this need. She wants from him those “special moments” when he is doing absolutely nothing but focusing all his mind and heart on her. Is this to be interpreted as the fruit of an ego out of control? Absolutely not. It is the most sacred and holy (set apart) times of their years together. She wants from him those moments when they can ascend to the most blessed realization of the intimacy of their union.
The groom is not to be watching television, reading a periodical, eating the evening meal or even engaged in recounting some trial of the day. He is to sit with his arm around the wife of his youth and give to her every ounce of his entire being. No distractions are allowed. Many times the couple will exchange few to no words in these moments together.
What is happening in this most unusual experience of human life? She is resting in his strength, his tender mercies, the security of his heart. When he gives to her these moments, everything within her is quieted and she pinnacles in her passion toward her wonder of a man. And she offers him the same. He can rest securely in her. He is safe in her. She will not violate him nor in any way destroy his being. The man of her heart can fully rest in her and be at peace. This is Sabbath.
In the list of instructions that YAHUAH gave to the man He designed for His pleasure and to show His infinite heart, He states, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shall you labor, and do all your work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of YAHUAH your Elohim: in it you shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor the stranger that is within your gates: For in six days YAHUAH made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore YAHUAH blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” The word “hallowed” is qadosh/holy. YAHUAH blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart…apart from all that distracts or profanes (detracts from purity).
YAHUAH took by promise the seed to Avraham, the Nation of Israel and set it apart unto Himself. He made them qadosh/holy unto Himself. He told them how to live and find their way to all the treasures of His heart. His Torah was given to guide them to the very pinnacle of life and blessing. And in the midst of those marvelous instructions, He said, Ascend to a level of communion with Me that can only be reached when all the affairs of life are momentarily put away and time is set apart unto Me. “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy.”
Then from the tender heart of the Lover of Men’s Souls, we are given these Holy words of instruction, “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on my holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the Holy of YAHUAH, honorable; and shall honor him, not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words: Then shall you delight yourself in YAHUAH; and I will cause you to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father: for the mouth of YAHUAH has spoken it” (Isaiah 58:13, 14).
What an agreement! What a commitment! What a promise! The pinnacle of life comes with the setting apart of time for pure communion with the Husband of Creation!
Man stops conquering. He ceases his pursuit of earthly pleasures. He detaches himself from all the cares, responsibilities, affairs and burdens, even his own pleasures, to give to his Maker the fullness of his heart, praise, adoration and worship. He makes holy, special time when he allows the Benefactor of Life to give him the feet of young deer with which he can frolic the summits of YAHUAH’s Goodness. This is Sabbath.
And in reverse, the Creator Himself, finds Sabbath in the heart that is set apart to Him in this Commandment. No longer is He striving to get the attention of His Creation. He now rests in the love and trust of those who find perfect Sabbath in Him.
Sabbath, contrary to the voices of misunderstanding, is the very opposite of bondage. It is the antithesis of work. Often we hear it said that Sabbath keeping is an attempt by man to obtain justification for his sins. This suggestion is foreign to the entirety of Scripture. Sabbath is rest. Man is to cease from labor, not engage in it.
YAHUAH offers to man His Salvation. This Salvation is from the boundless mercies and grace of the Eternal Elohim. This Salvation is given in mercy. How can one who has violated law erase from the books, his infractions by subsequent obedience? He cannot. Mercy and pardon must be given, not earned. What can man do that he might restore himself from the pit of being his own god and not being totally subservient to his Creator? Nothing. The King of Mercy extends to man His grace and says, “Come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you Sabbath.” I will set apart for you a rest that all your burdensome labor will never attain. Even from your exaction of Sabbath rituals, I will take the duty of performance and place in you my Sabbath, thereby giving you perfect Sabbath.
“Let everything that has breathe praise YAHUAH. Praise you YAHUAH.” “Remember the Sabbath day to set it apart.” Come unto me like a wife to her spouse and I will give you Sabbath. “Then shall you delight yourself in YAHUAH; and I will cause you to ride upon the high places of the earth and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father: for the mouth of YAHUAH hath spoken it.”
This is Sabbath by: Sammy Brown